Hot Air Balloon Festival

Last Saturday was busy, busy, busy!  Lee and I woke up early (5am) to be out on the field early.  We went out to the Flying Circus grounds to see the annual hot air balloon festival.  It was great!  The weather was perfect,  it started out cool and cloudy,  but then warmed up just enough when the sun came out.  We had a blast,  and I’m so glad we got up early to go.

When we arrived everyone was hanging out on the wooden bleachers looking out over the empty field and there were a couple of biplanes flying over head.  Just about everyone walking around had a camera in hand.  Some small,  some huge!  I knew there would be a TON of cameras out there.  I know it is something I’ve been looking forward to since last year.  Everyone was very friendly,  and I had the opportunity to talk to some great people!

Lee and I started walking along the fence to try to find a good place to stand.  There were only a couple of hot air balloon baskets out on the field as the pilots and crews started to get set up.  Just as we found our spot along the fence a man out in the field started waving at… at us?  Lee and I looked behind us… no one there.  We said to each other,  “is he waving at us?!”  Not sure what to do we waited for him to get closer.  He introduced himself and asked if we could give him a hand unloading his balloon.  We were SO excited to help out!  He promised us the first ride of the morning for our help.  Eek!  I wasn’t expecting to have this opportunity!

We helped Craig set up the tethered hot air balloon.  Before I knew it the balloon was inflated and up we went!  It was a short ride,  but it was a blast!  Hot air balloons are so magical.  I don’t know if it is the sheer size,  their beautiful colors,  the way the float in the air, or just the fact that they are giant balloons the carry people,  but they are amazing to watch.

After the festival Lee and I grabbed some fantastic breakfast at Cafe Torino.  If you are ever wanted to go out for breakfast in Warrenton, this is THE place to go.  They only serve one thing: scrambled eggs, bacon, and baguette sliced toast.  It is the best breakfast you’ve ever had!  :) It was the perfect way to end our morning adventure.  When we got home we each went our separate ways.  He went off to take some of the youth group kids to a concert,  and I went to help Kelly with another wedding!  (Wedding pictures will be coming on the blog in a few weeks).

2013-08-23_0001 So when I said that Lee and I helped…  I mean that Lee helped and I took lots of pictures.  It was GREAT to have a front row seat.  We were some of the first ones out of the field!

2013-08-23_0002 Lee holding the mouth of the balloon open.  They inflate it with a fan first,  then once the balloon is opened enough, they start to use the fire to warm it up and make it expand more.

2013-08-23_0003 We were told that this guy is a local dentist!  He has his one-man balloon.  He basically straps the propane tank to his back,  and up he goes!

2013-08-23_0004 A view from inside the balloon!

2013-08-23_0005 People waiting in line for a tethered hot air balloon ride.



2013-08-23_0008 Balloons arrived on the field from their launch site up the road.

2013-08-23_0009 Captain Craig!  He was so great!

2013-08-23_0010 One of my favorite balloons that landed in the field.  Actually,  they landed right on the runway.  They had to drift off to the side so the planes could land and take off.  It was really neat when a couple of planes did take off and navigate around the balloons.  They were SO close…  or so it seemed.

2013-08-23_0011 Lee helping people in and out of the balloon for their rides.




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  • Warrenton Film Photographer | Fess Parker Lodge | Kristen Lynne Photography - […] For the past week and a half I’ve been sick with a horrible cold! On top of being stuck inside the weather today is very bleak. I was thinking this morning about how much fun Lee and I had at the hot air balloon festival last August. I definitely want to go again this year and take my Contax. There is something so peaceful about watching the balloons all drift in over the horizon to land on the open fields. I loved our experience and so I wanted to share one of my favorite pictures from last time. You can see the entire blog post from last August here. […]ReplyCancel

  • Mark Miller - I’m a pilot of one of the balloons in your photo and just stumbled across this while looking on the internet. You don’t happen to have more photos of this flight do you? Thanks!ReplyCancel
