
Ever since the journey with my photography business started I have been blessed in so many different ways. Because of my business I have reconnected with old friends, seen beautiful places, found beauty where I least expect it, and it has also brought me to meet new people.

Today was no exception. We pulled into the Horse Trailer parking lot, scouted out a spot, and began to unpack my gear. There were a few empty horse trailers parked, but I noticed one of the trucks was occupied by a man and two black labs. The gentleman had been watching us set up (probably getting a few laughs) and was curious as to what we were doing. He got out of his truck and walked over to say hello. I’m so glad he did! We struck up a conversation in which he began to tell us about his black lab.

This amazing creature had once been a seeing-eye-dog! Caper retired from her duties and was adopted into this great family! He began to tell us that at 10 years old, she now has an aggressive oral cancer. He said that the vet didn’t expect her to live but for a couple months more. My heart began to break because, as a dog lover myself, I know how much they mean to us! They are equal members of our family! He asked if I could take a couple of pictures of him with Caper. I jumped at the opportunity! I wanted to offer, but my shyness got in the way (I need to learn to just ASK people if I can take pictures). So I was relieved when he asked because it was already on my heart to do it!

All I can say is that I was truly blessed today! I was worried sick when we left the house because the sun went into hiding behind the clouds. I was worried that the family pictures would not come out as I had envisioned. I know in my heart that God provides, even in the small things! I tried to focus on that as I kept looking up at the sky on our way down the road, saying a little prayer. As soon as Lee and I pulled into the parking spot the clouds went away and the sun was beautiful! My heart rejoiced, “Thank you! Praise Him!” But then God gave me something even greater, (because He is a God of abundance, overflowing!) He brought me to meet a great person and his beautiful, sweet dog! He introduced me to someone new AND provided the perfect light for me to be able to bless them with beautiful pictures! How awesome!

“Dogs are miracles with paws.” -Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy

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  • Anonymous - Aww, what sweet photos that I’m sure he’ll cherish forever!ReplyCancel

  • Catchlight Image Photography - Absolutely stunning photos! As a dog lover, I know that these photos will be cherished for many years to come and will provide an absolutely wonderful memory of Caper, the incredibly beautiful, special Lab!!ReplyCancel
