Big Change | Kristen Lynne Photography | Warrenton & Charlottesville Photographer

A Big Change – Going Full Time


I’ve been thinking about this blog post for almost two weeks now. I knew I would have to announce the big news.

Three weeks ago I had no idea that I would be a full time photographer, effective tomorrow! Going full time with photography was a dream that I often discussed with Lee. We both said that we would wait until my bookings become more consistent and the business was able to contribute more to our income before we made the leap. So we hashed out loose “plans” of me going full time in the next year or two.

Some of you might know that I’m an RN and work(ed) in the operating room. It was and is an amazing and exciting job. I had the privilege and honor of working alongside some truly amazing surgeons, nurses, and surgical techs. One of the highlights of my job was getting to scrub in on the cases, working with the surgeons and assistants. I’ve been able to see some really cool things in the OR (really “cool” for me, but “gross” for some of you, haha). But over time many things changed and the job became something… different.

I was no longer coming home excited to tell Lee, “guess what I got to do today!?” Instead I was coming home burnt out and frustrated. Then two weeks ago someone at work said to me, “you really need to think about if this is where you want to be,” and while it really hurt to hear it, something inside me clicked. They were absolutely right! I don’t want to leave my job at the end of the day feeling this frustrated and burnt out. After a long (and tearful) midnight discussion with Lee, we both knew it was time to move on.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” -Jeremiah 29:11


I felt immediate relief when I gave my notice and I also became excited for the next chapter! But along with this weight being lifted, Lee and I also took on a new “stress.” We hadn’t expected this drastic change to happen anytime soon and so we certainly weren’t prepared for it. We had loosely made plans to transition into me going full time over the next couple of years… but we had to make serious plans, now!

It was not an easy task. I’m SO thankful that all of my student loans and car are paid off. Until recently we were debt free (thanks to Dave Ramsey and FPU!). Since then, Lee has started working on his Master’s Degree (and I couldn’t be more proud of him!), so we are faced with some new challenges when figuring out our (even tighter) budget. But God’s timing is always perfect (and way better than ours). And Sunday night was the first night of FPU. Yep, we are taking the course again to revamp our budget. The timing couldn’t have been better.


It is an exciting, yet scary thing, owning your own business. You don’t know where you next paycheck will come from, or if it will come. But I do know one thing, owning a business (and trying to earn a living from it) takes a HUGE leap of faith. I honestly don’t know where my next job will come from. I didn’t know that I would leave my job this soon. I knew in my heart that I loved photography and that I wanted to do it full time. As my OR job became more and more stressful I would pray more and more about my business, asking the Lord to provide a way. It is so easy for the worrying to set in, but I must remember…

“For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? “Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? “And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?” – Matthew 6:25-27


I am so thankful for my husband, family, friends, clients, and colleagues for being supportive. I don’t know how I could do it without their support and encouragement. Thank you Matoli Keely for your beautiful photographs of our amazing time in California! I am blessed with so many talented and kind photography friends. <3 I know this is where I’m meant to be.

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  • Jacquelyn Rodriguez - I am so excited for you and wish you all the best! I know we will get to do lots of work together in the near future! Congrats!ReplyCancel

    • kristenlynnephotography - Thanks girl! I can’t wait to work with you again. You are amazing at what you do and I’m thankful that I’ve gotten to know you! :)ReplyCancel

  • Tammy Morin - You go girl!! I know you will rock it. Film sisters!ReplyCancel

    • kristenlynnephotography - :) Thanks Tammy! We will need to have a meet up at Cupcake Heaven soon!ReplyCancel

  • Marvin James - You’re going to do great. Good luck.ReplyCancel

    • kristenlynnephotography - Thanks Tony. :) That means a lot to me!ReplyCancel

  • Alex - Congratulations, Kristen!! Love your honesty and can’t wait to see what’s in store for you!ReplyCancel

    • kristenlynnephotography - Alex, it is nerve-racking to think about it sometimes. But I think my excitement overshadows that. :) I’m just thankful that Lee is supportive and willing to make some sacrifices so that I can follow my dream.ReplyCancel

  • paulina - congrats on following your passion and taking the leap kristen!! wishing you the best! =)ReplyCancel

    • kristenlynnephotography - Thanks Paulina! I feel so incredibly blessed.ReplyCancel

  • Melissa - Congrats on being so brave! Sometimes that’s a decision that you need to make in order to be healthy and happy. It’s going to be great!ReplyCancel

    • kristenlynnephotography - I don’t always feel brave. I felt like there was no other option if I wanted to be happy with my job. The decision came a LOT sooner than I thought it would! But God doesn’t always go according to our plans. I’m SO thankful that He doesn’t. :)ReplyCancel

  • Teresa Arthur - Good things are coming your way! Great post! :-) xo MomReplyCancel

    • kristenlynnephotography - Thanks! I’m really hoping so. I love how I can use photography to capture special moments in people’s lives. It’s awesome to be able to give that gift to someone! Making my clients happy is the best reward.ReplyCancel

  • Elle Worley - Congrats Kristen!!! Thank you for being so transparent. This is just what I needed to hear :) Happy for you beautiful lady!!ReplyCancel

    • kristenlynnephotography - Thanks Elle for your kind words and I’m so glad that to hear that it may have helped someone in some small way. And I will tell you… after my last shift, I got in my car, looked down at my phone, and saw an email. It was an email from someone saying they wanted to book me for their wedding and I felt like it was confirmation that I made the right decision! God is good and answers prayers!ReplyCancel

  • Nilo - Wow! You poured your heart into this blog, and it shows! I am praying for you and asking God to lead you to a new place of fulfillment and peace. May you have the peace of mind and soul knowing that God is in control of your life and He loves it that you and Lee have trusted in Him. May God bless you, my friend! I will definitely be reading your bolgs to be a witness of God’s goodness in your life!ReplyCancel

    • kristenlynnephotography - Thank you so much Nilo. Your words are so encouraging. Like I mentioned to Elle, I got an email as soon as my last shift at the hospital ended. It was someone wanting to book me for their wedding. I felt like it was confirmation that I made the right choice. God is good!!!ReplyCancel

  • Sallie Cupp - I am proud that you are following your dream. The road maybe bumpy at times but as long as at the end of the day you can smile and be happy that makes you a better person.ReplyCancel

    • kristenlynnephotography - Thanks Sallie! You are so right! That’s exactly what I’m after. Thank you for your encouraging words.ReplyCancel

  • Beth McDouall - Kristen,
    You’ve already worked your last day?! I didn’t get to say good-bye, but I just want to say that it was a privilege working with you. I wish more than anything that the stress and frustration of our job could be eased so we don’t lose any more fantastic nurses. But I see how God used the whole awful situation to bring you to a new place. I love how you are trusting Him to provide. He will!
    I’ll enjoy following your blog and viewing the beautiful photos you share. God bless…ReplyCancel

    • kristenlynnephotography - Thank you so much Beth! I will miss you all so so much. And He does work in strange ways! I was praying to have my photography business take off so that I could transition into it… but I think He had something else in mind! Haha. Rather than going by my “safe” plans, I needed to take a leap of faith, jump in the deep end! I just have to trust that He will continue to provide. Thank you again for your encouragement. It means so much!ReplyCancel
