Cinderella Flowers

I can picture it now… My dad shaking his head at my mom as he watched her crouch down in the yard to take pictures of “weeds”. And guess what?! They are ALWAYS beautiful. She calls them her “Cinderella Flowers”. I took a break from all of the business work and planning and enjoyed the weather as the sun was going down… my favorite time of the evening. <3 Tucker wanted to join me, and kept photo bombing all of my pictures so I had to throw sticks to keep him away. I have a magnet on my fridge that says, “If I throw this stick, will you go away?” haha. The answer is YES! He will go away! ;)

My rosemary is coming in again!

The Cinderella Flowers…

My favorite from the evening… Happy Friday everyone! <3 Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

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