Virginia Film Wedding Photography | Rockwood Manor Wedding | Second Shooting with Michael & Carina
For awhile now I have been following the work of Michael & Carina Photography. The shoot film as well and I just LOVE what they are doing! I was floored when Michael called me one day out of the blue to chat. He was so humble and encouraging. It was just what I needed to hear in that moment. So you can imagine my excitement when these Yorktown based photographers said they needed an assistant for a wedding in NOVA! I finally had the chance to meet these two amazing people and extremely talented photographers.
So I met up with them at Rockwood Manor Park in Northern Virginia. They immediately introduced me to the bride and boom, another wonderful pair! I brought along my Contax 645, a few rolls of Portra 800, Fuji 400, and Ilford 3200. I was able to sneak in a few pictures in-between loading film for Michael and Carina. And man, let me tell you. These two professionals are top notch and totally rock film. I couldn’t have been more enthralled with watching these two at work. It was a huge honor to be able to watch these two. I learned so much from them.
Xi and Wesley’s wedding couldn’t have been more beautiful. They were such a laid back couple and so nice to work with. I loved everything about their wedding and had a blast. I must also say, that carrying around only one camera at a wedding was puuuurty nice! Maybe this chick will one day be exclusively shooting film! I love being able to do more with less. With digital I feel that sometimes the technology and loads of gear can get in the way of connecting with clients and the photographer’s creativity. (ok… rabbit trail ending) Now let’s look at the rest of Xi & Wesley’s pictures!
And I was even able to sneak in a picture of Michael & Carina! Thank you for having me assist you at Xi & Wesley’s wedding. I learned so much from you two and had a blast with you! :)
Michael Bethea - AWWWWWWWWWW I didn’t know we were on your site!!! *heart melts*